Monday, July 12th, 2010

Online Safety? Its just Common Sense

Online Safety?  Its just Common Sense

There are many articles and features written by experts and gurus advising women and men how to stay safe when dating or chatting with someone online. I am not going to go down that same route because all I will be doing is rehashing what every one else has said except for one thing.  No one ever mentions good old fashioned common sense and its all you need to date safely and have a good time.

Common sense should tell you never to give out personal details to a stranger, even if he says he’s a Doctor, Soldier, Lawyer or a philanthropist working in Nigeria. That same common sense should kick in if any of the above ask you for cash. Even if its for a sick child which seems to be the lie of choice. common sense  should be whispering in your ear telling you that this is a scam. It doesn’t matter that the person is emailing you how wonderful you are and how pleased they are that the good Lord sent you to them, its all part of the scam and you cannot allow your heart to rule your head.

It amazes me that people and its usually women still get caught by these scammers. Why on earth would you wire money to someone you have never met?  Why are you sending thousands of dollars (pounds) through Western Union to someone you have been chatting to online? No matter what promises they gave you, its just kiss your cash goodbye and once they have it you will get the kiss off  too. They will change their email address and you will be history as they move on to the next one.

So no need for top tips to keep safe online, you need just one Common Sense.

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