Affiliate Scheme | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How does the scheme work? Once your application is accepted, you will be sent a confirmation e-mail. This mail will include the URL to the affiliate center plus your unique tracking number and login/password. You can retrieve the code for banners or text links from the affiliate center. Placing this code into a web page on your own site will display a banner on the page. This banner includes a unique tracking number (your affiliate number) that is sent to our site if a user clicks on the banner. If a user free registers on our site, your affiliate number is associated with the registration in our database. Therefore there is a permanent record of who referred the user. How do I make money? Every free member you send to our site and that subsequently goes on to become a paid subscriber will earn you cash. Unlike many affiliate schemes there is no time limit in which the user can subscribe and still earn you cash!! And not only that but every time that user renews you will continue to earn MORE! How much money can I make? Well that is really up to you. Where you place the banner or the link will affect the number of users sent to our site and of course the more users you send the more subscribers there are likely to be. Our rates are as follows: Initial Referral (i.e. the first time the user subscribes to paid membership):
Subsequent Referral (i.e. every subscription paid by the same user after the first):
Note: Commissions are subject to price variations on the site due to special promotions etc. Therefore if the price is reduced or increased for any reason, then the commission will also reflect that change. How and when do I receive the commission? Commissions will be paid monthly and you will receive all commission on payments that have been cleared at least 8 weeks. We only pay after at least 8 weeks due to the risk of charge-backs should the customer's card have been stolen or misused in some way. You will receive your commission through the post by cheque in Ј's (GBP) payable at the rate of exchange applicable at the time of the transaction. Affiliates are responsible for charges relating to currency conversion that their bank may charge. Affiliates that show a high referral rate and earn more than per quarter may negotiate to be paid by bank transfer in US Dollars. Note: There is a minimum required to be accrued before payment can be made. If the account does not accrue this minimum during the month, the payment will be held over until the following month and so on until the condition is satisfied. |